Daftar Pustaka Referat Skabies - KLIK INSTAL
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Daftar Pustaka Referat Skabies

Berikut ini adalah beberapa referensi dalam menyusun referat skabies yang telah di posting sebelumnya. Silahkan kunjungi referat bagian pertama di referat scabies : epidemiologi, etiologi, dan patogenesis.

Berikut Daftar Pustaka Referat Skabies

  1. Handoko RP, Djuanda A, Hamzah M. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. Ed.4. Jakarta: FKUI; 2005. 119-22.
  2. Binic I, Aleksandar J, Dragan J, Milanka L. Crusted (Norwegian) Scabies Following Systemic And Topikal Corticosteroid Therapy. J Korean Med Sci; 25: 2010. 88-91.
  3. Scabies and Pediculosis, Orkin Miltoin, Howard L. Maibach. Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine, 7th. USA: McGrawHill; 2008. 2029-31.
  4. Siregar RS, Wijaya C, Anugerah P. Saripati Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. Ed.3. Jakarta: EGC; 1996. 191-5.
  5. Habif TP, Hodgson S. Clinical Dermatology. Ed.4. London: Mosby; 2004. 497-506.
  6. Chosidow O. Scabies. New England J Med. 2006. July : 354/ 1718-27.
  7. Walton SF, Currie BJ. Problems in Diagnosing Scabies, A Global Disease in Human and Animal Populations. Clin Microbiol  Rev. 2007. April. 268-79.
  8. Johnston G, Sladden M. Scabies: Diagnosis and Treatment. British Med J. 2005. September :17;331(7517)/619-22.
  9. Burns DA. Diseases Caused by Arthropods and Other Noxious Animals, in: Burns T, Breathnach S, Cox N, Griffiths C. Rooks Textbook of Dermatology. Vol.2. USA: Blackwell publishing; 2004. 37-47.
  10. Itzhak Brook. Microbiology of Secondary Bacterial Infection in Scabies Lesions. J Clin Microbiol. 1995. August: 33/2139-2140.
  11. Hicks MI, Elston DM. Scabies. Dermatologic Therapy. 2009. November :22/279-292.
  12. Harahap M. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit.Ed.1. Jakarta: Hipokrates; 2000. 109-13.
  13. Amiruddin MD. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. Ed.1. Makassar: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin ; 2003. 5-10.
  14. Hengge, R. Ulrich, Bart. J. Currie, Gerold Jager, Omar Lupi, Robert A. Schwartz. Scabies: a Ubiquitous Neglected Skin Disease. PubMed Med. J. 2006. December. 6: 769-777
  15. P. Stone Stephen, Jonathan N. Goldfarb, Rocky E. Bacelieri. Scabies. Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine 5th. USA: McGrawHill; 2677-80
  16. Beegs Jennifer,ed. Scabies Prevention and Control Manual. Michigan. Scabies prevention and Control Manual.
  17. Karthikeyan K. Treatment of Scabies: Newer Perspectives. Postgraduate Med J. 2005. Januari. 1(951)/7-11.
  18. Currie J.B., and James S. McCarthy. Permethrin and Ivermectin for Scabies. New England J Med. 2010. February : 362/717-724.
  19. Sadana, Liana Yuliawati. Krim Permethrin 5% untuk Pengobatan Scabies (online). 2007. [cited 2010 October 19th] : [1 screens]. Available from: URL:http://www.yosefw. wordpress.com  
  20. Anonim. (online). 2004. [cited 2010 October 14th]:[4 screens] Available from : URL: http://www.stanford.edu/class/ humbio103/ParaSites2004/Scabies
  21. Anonim. (online) 2004. [cited 2010 Oct 14th]:[1 screens] Available from : URL: http://huddoktor.com/doctor/ Exempel+p%C3%A5+ljusbehandling/741.html
  22. Anonim. (online) 1997 [cited 2010 October 1st] : [1 screens] Available from : URL: http://www.allrefer.com
  23. Vorvick MD, Linda. Folliculitis on the Leg. (online). 2008. [cited 2010 Oct 12]:[1 screens] Available from : URL: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus

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